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Recent Fantasy Baseball Articles
MLB Bets and Expert Picks for Wednesday, April 24
Dig into the best MLB bets and player props for tonight's action on the diamond as Michael Rathburn lays out his expert picks, including a look at the Yankees' team total.
MLB Points Leagues: Using wOBA to Identify Hitters
Dan Marcus uses advanced metrics to try and identify under-rostered hitters, such as the Padres' Jurickson Profar.
New York Mets-San Francisco Giants, MLB Picks: Single-Game Focus, April 24
Starling Marte is a solid bet as the New York Mets visit the San Francisco Giants in a single-game focus for MLB Best Bet delivered by Eric Timm for Wednesday, April 24.
Lineup Lowdown: National League
Elly De La Cruz of the Cincinnati Reds has been one of the hottest hitters in baseball, and he's one of the players to watch in Ryan Boyer's Lineup Lowdown for the National League.
Los Angeles Dodgers-Washington Nationals & more MLB Bets & Props for Tuesday, April 23
Mookie Betts leads off as a big bet in the Los Angeles Dodgers-Washington Nationals game that's among those featured by Juan Carlos Blanco in his MLB Best Bets & Props for Tuesday, April 23.
Orioles-Angels, Dodgers-Nationals & more MLB Bets and Expert Picks for Tuesday, April 23
The Baltimore Orioles-Los Angeles Angels tilt offers a big bet by Michael Rathburn, who presents his MLB Expert Bets & Picks on that game, as well as Dodgers-Nationals & White Sox-Twins on Tuesday, April 23.
Week 4 FAAB Results - Some Hitters Emerge
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Jeff Erickson purged Jose Abreu from his roster this week - who did he get to replace him?
San Diego Padres at Colorado Rockies, MLB Expert Picks for Monday, April 21
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Fernando Tatis Jr. and the San Diego Padres go mile high to visit the Colorado Rockies in John Ryan's featured matchup, including MLB expert picks for April 22.
Fantasy Baseball Injury Report: Kelly's Recovery Window Uncertain
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Jeff Stotts writes about the week's most notable MLB injuries, including Merrill Kelly, who is undergoing testing to determine the severity of his shoulder strain.
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